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Shoo Fly Tassels For Sale

Below you will find shoo flies for your horse for sale. There are a lot of shoo fly tassels, plus other items like "Shoofly Leggins."

Please scroll down for a description of what a shoo fly tassel is.

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Shoo Fly Savvy

A shoo fly tassel (also sometimes spelled shoofly, shoo-fly, or shu fly) is a tassel that horsemen hang on their horse while riding to keep flies shooed away. Shoo flies are traditionally made of horsehair, but they can also be found made in other materials.

You commonly see shoo flies attached to brow bands and throatlatches of bridles, as well as the sides of a bridle, and sometimes the curb strap. You'll also see them underneath the horse on the front and/or back cinch and pretty much anywhere else the rider simply feels like putting one.

While a shoo fly has a practical purpose most horsemen love them as much for their looks as for the job they do. Shoo flies are traditionally made of horsehair in varying lengths and colors, and commonly have beautifully braided buttons as accents.

Below: A shoo fly made of horsehair.

A shoo fly, or horsehair tassel

Other Meanings For Shoo Fly

While most horse people recognize the term "shoo fly" to mean a horsehair tassel, there are other meanings for the term. For example:

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Below: Screenshot image showing the "Save for later" and "Remove" links when an item is in the Etsy shopping cart.

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