The Tammy Fischer treeless barrel saddle by Circle Y is a highly popular saddle with barrel racers. Compare prices, models, and selection.
Professional barrel racer Tammy Fischer has teamed with Circle Y Saddlery in Yoakum, TX to create a treeless barrel racing saddle that offers your horse freedom of movement, while providing for a secure ride for you.
You might also like: Treeless Saddles – All.
Below: The Tammy Fischer treeless barrel racing saddle 1311 from HorseSaddleShop. Made by Circle Y. This saddle, when purchased from HorseSaddleShop, offers choice of seat color, tree and seat size, and oil.

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What Is A Treeless Saddle?
Like the name implies, a treeless saddle is a saddle built without a saddle tree. A “tree” in a saddle is a solid structure around which the rest of the saddle is built. It’s called a “tree” because it has traditionally been made of wood. Many saddle trees today are still made of wood, but they can also be made of fiberglass, plastic, other materials, or a combination of materials.
On a finished saddle the tree can’t be seen because it is covered with leather or other materials.
Below: A bare saddle tree that is just beginning to be covered with leather.
On a treeless saddle, all or some of the rigid tree isn’t used. For example, some treeless saddles have a rigid (or fairly rigid) pommel and cantle, but the saddle bars are made from more flexible materials. In some cases, a treeless saddle may not even have saddle bars. Treeless saddle construction varies from the type of saddle (English, Western, barrel saddle, trail saddle, etc.) and from one saddle maker to another.
Below: A Tammy Fischer barrel saddle owned and ridden by a barrel racer who also instructs barrel racing clinics.
About Tammy Fischer
Tammy Fischer (1968 – ) is a 7-time (2002, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2018) National Finals Rodeo (NFR) qualifier in barrel racing. Among her many significant career achievements, she won the Calgary Stampede barrel racing championship in 2009, for which she won/earned $100,000.
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